A1 Excursion Adventure Tours & Travels (P.) Ltd. i Kathmandu

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NepalA1 Excursion Adventure Tours & Travels (P.) Ltd.



🕗 åbningstider

Amrit Marg, Thamel, Post Box: 3632, Kathmandu 44600, Nepal
kontakter telefon: +977 1-4411448
internet side: www.a1excursion.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 27.7146919, Longitude: 85.3126133

kommentar 4

  • en

    Ypsi Lon


    Thanks so much to everybody in this great and competent team of A1 for caring, for laughing, for dancing, for the great talks, for „bistare- bistare“ (slowly) and „always think positive“ (that got a completely new meaning in the mountains with its very own laws). We always had great accommodation, great food and (we were lucky) GREAT WEATHER 😊 This trip to the ABC was something very special for me, and every step will remain forever in my heart. At back of the T-Shirt of a man in Kathmandu I read a sentence I liked very much: „It‘s not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves!“ And thank you so very much for organizing our trip to Chitwan and Lumbini. We had such amazing days and we had a great finish of our Nepal tour. It was...wow! See you, soon!

  • en

    Markus MERGENS


    We enjoyed A1’s outstanding organisation, communication, friendliness, service, food, spirit ... during the entire Trecking up to Anapurna Base Camp. Excellent and competent guides with heart. We are leaving as friends of you and Nepal ❤️ Many many thanks! Bottom Line: I highly recommend A1 for treckings in the Himalayas!

  • Alexander Monas

    Alexander Monas


    Amazing trip to Annapurna Base Camp. Will book again. Highly recommend going with these very experienced and unbelievably nice people from A1. Thanks for everything!

  • Samuel Brodbeck

    Samuel Brodbeck


    We had a great journey on the Annapurna Base Camp. Trekking 14 days through the himalayas. Everyday the guides where keeping us happy and satisfied.

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