Asan Store i Kathmandu

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NepalAsan Store



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Chittadhar Marg, 44600, Kathmandu, Bagmati, NP Nepal
kontakter telefon: +977 1-4218801
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Latitude: 27.707561, Longitude: 85.312023

kommentar 5

  • en

    Vaibhav Jhunjhunwala


    Nice place for Kathmandu traditional food making items

  • en

    Dan SOAJourneys


    Like every other grocery store in Kathmandu. Good range of products in a convenient location at reasonable prices

  • en

    Meryna Kayastha


    This store has very quick access to thinhs that u want. u can get various things if u are in a hurry

  • Vijay Hebbal

    Vijay Hebbal


    This is a nice store to shop for varieties of garments for all age groups. The staff are very cordial and slight leverage for bargaining exists. The store has outlets ask over Nepal and this store appears to be popular among the masses. Some sizes that I was looking for were not available. At times the salesmen were distracted to serve others neglecting to attend to us.

  • Irene Susianto

    Irene Susianto


    Traditional market where you should go to see Nepalese daily life. I always love going to a traditional market!

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