Mandala Studio Yoga & Spa i Kathmandu

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NepalMandala Studio Yoga & Spa



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Mandala Street, 44600, Kathmandu, Bagmati, NP Nepal
kontakter telefon: +977 1-4701322
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Latitude: 27.7151085, Longitude: 85.3109998

kommentar 5

  • Dorian Guyton

    Dorian Guyton


    Had a stellar experience with my massage here at Mandela. It super relaxing! I received the traditional Nepali massage and my therapist had magic hands. The staff was so polite and light spirited we felt like welcomed guests. I will definitely return. I heard the yoga class was great. Next on the to-do list.

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    Michelle von Pein


    What can I say... The welcome and personal touch is exceptional. I have been looked after by the staff at the studio for a couple of days and they are very accommodating, helpful and friendly. I arrived as a stranger and will leave as a friend.

  • Jennifer Chang

    Jennifer Chang


    I was afraid of another bad fake yoga class after a terrible experience at another studio nearby, but was very happy with the vinyasa flow class I took at Mandala. It was challenging for advanced students yet accessible for all levels. Ramesh was hands on with adjustments and made sure everyone had the correct form, which I really appreciate. An hour was a bit short and I was longing for more yoga when class ended!

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    Susann L


    Awesome place! Great massage & yoga in a beautiful clean atmosphere. Great rooftop salad bar and coffee/juice place downstairs. Oasis for health freaks! Highly recommend in Thamel😊👌

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    Frances Boothroyd


    I had the best deep tissue massage I have ever had actually! I had low expectations after a mediocre massage in Pokhara, but this massage honestly was AMAZING. My massage therapist was Prajwolika Lama, she was so skilled! I often get massages in Australia by skilled therapists and this was honestly as good or I'd say even better than those. Thank you! 🌟

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