Metro i Pokhara

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Lake Side, Pokhara 33700, Nepal
kontakter telefon: +977 982-7156508
internet side:
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Latitude: 28.2122933, Longitude: 83.9570965

kommentar 5

  • Willow Lay

    Willow Lay


    When you feel like steeping away from the street vendors and off the beaten track places, and just want a place with good hygiene for a latte and crepe, go for it. Best coffee I had in India & Nepal and the crepes we're also very good and huge portions also. The staff were super helpful and the seating on the rooftop was beautiful and had lots of spots 🖤

  • Yonathan Wolloch

    Yonathan Wolloch


    Best crepe in Nepal! Didn’t cost much and was totally worth it. Besides that this staff is really nice. If you want to have the best sweet breakfast go there!

  • Sonu Lama

    Sonu Lama


    Whenever i go to lakeside for a walk in evening time , I never forgot to go to this place just to have banana nutella crepes. Banana nutella crepes is the best for the taste who love to eat sweet things. You can find varieties of crepes like blueberries and cream crepes and more in this place.

  • Husam habannakeh

    Husam habannakeh


    Very nice place. Great atmosphere. Good coffee. Good crepes.

  • Jaron Piercy

    Jaron Piercy


    Nice rooftop with a small kinda lake view. It's more just a nice open rooftop. The drinks were good that we had and crepes tasted like home. Fast internet too. Easy place to spend some time avoiding the middle of the day heat.

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