Shambhu Hotel i Haripur

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NepalShambhu Hotel



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East-West Highway, 56700, Haripur, Koshi, NP Nepal
kontakter telefon: +977 986-3975571
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.5222646, Longitude: 86.9321225

kommentar 5

  • Kiran Poudel

    Kiran Poudel


    One of the best place to try local fresh fish food.i am loving it.

  • Ashish Chettri

    Ashish Chettri


    Tasted all kind of variety of koshi original fish. For Trusted and orginal koshi fish i refer this hotel . Hotel is down from the between the way of sunil fancy store and medical clinic .

  • Sudip Pokhrel

    Sudip Pokhrel


    A real hidden gem!! One of the best places to have fish in Nepal. Its a local eatery so don't expect super atmosphere. The lack in ambiance is more than compensated by fantastic food! I had fried river shrimp and kanti fish in a spicy broth. Both were awesome. The beers were super chilled too. I've made a mental note to stop by here every time I'm traveling in the region

  • Ishwori Shrestha

    Ishwori Shrestha


    Never knew that fish pokoda is also available in the hotel .. I love to eat. And also boil jalkapur fish taste is excellent.. 😍😍😍

  • NISHAN Rai

    NISHAN Rai


    Fabulous food n fishes n meat... !! Everybody should try it when ever they visit koshi barrage.

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