Baneshwor Spa Swimming Pool i Kathmandu

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NepalBaneshwor Spa Swimming Pool


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भिमसेनगोला मार्ग, 44600, Kathmandu, Bagmati, NP Nepal
kontakter telefon: +977 1-4468596
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Latitude: 27.6931967, Longitude: 85.3449227

kommentar 5

  • So s

    So s


    Very bad service. Not even hot water for shower. And staff don't care if you need something. They were just sitting in Cafe and talking. I'd definitely recommend to go somewhere else.

  • Nirmal Moktan

    Nirmal Moktan


    It is not crowded except in saturday so its easy to swim and take shower. everything is good except the water is not as clean as it should be. Price is 250 for student and 300 for others. There is separate pool for small kids. You can also take swimming lessons. There are 2 guards watching the pool constantly.

  • Bikash Dangol

    Bikash Dangol


    Bit crowded during holidays and weekends. But overall it is good. 200 for kids below 10 years. And 250 for adults, no time limit. Three pools there,two small ones are for kids, which is nice.

  • Wow Thrive

    Wow Thrive


    Great place during heat of summer.. Seperate place for child.. Cafe with in there.. Max depth of 6.5 meter

  • Pratiyush Sah

    Pratiyush Sah


    Nice ambience !!!!! Has separate pools for small babies and toddlers. Mac depth: 6.5 ft which is good for average swimmers. Changing rooms are horrible and very poorly managed these days. Life guards are very helpful. Price: 200 for students. ( as per my last vist june 2018 )

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