Butterfly Lodge i पोखरा

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NepalButterfly Lodge



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Søndagåben 24 timer
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lake side, पोखरा 44601, Nepal
kontakter telefon: +977 61-451892
internet side: www.butterflylodge.com.np
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 28.2126493, Longitude: 83.9582709

kommentar 5

  • prajwol dangol

    prajwol dangol


    Been here last year. Nice and clean place to stay. Great view from the roof and the veranda, you can watch people paragliding far away near hills. Recommended place. 👍🏻

  • Jim Chapman

    Jim Chapman


    I've stayed here on several trips and it never disappoints. Clean rooms, incredibly friendly staff, and wonderful mood. All rooms have a porch and access to the rooftop. Its a perfect location in Pokhara, close enough to the lake to be there in just moments, but a nice quiet setting for sleeping and relaxing. Govinda is an inspirational personal and his Butterfly Foundation is an incredible asset to the community. I highly recommend staying at Butterfly Lodge. And for a delicious meal visit the wonderful folks at P. P. Local just a few minutes walk down the lake. (And the Juicery is another great stop.)

  • Annabel Thurlow

    Annabel Thurlow


    Comfortable beds. Good service. Great location

  • Lok Raj Pahari

    Lok Raj Pahari


    The hotel is just off the main road , away from the hustle and bustle and has a huge garden to sit back and relax. The hotel has the best hot shower u can get . Some of the profits go to The Butterfly Foundation helping provide free daycare services.

  • Jane Rõuk

    Jane Rõuk


    Very nice and clean hotel in Pokhara. Great location - in few minutes walk from the lake and from the main street. As it's located a bit away from the main road, it's much more quiet. Breakfast was good and personnel were very friendly.

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