Casino Rad i Kathmandu

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NepalCasino Rad



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Lazimpat, Kathmandu, Nepal, Kathmandu 44600, Nepal
kontakter telefon: +977 980-3034488
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Latitude: 27.719639, Longitude: 85.321428

kommentar 5

  • Vishal Anand

    Vishal Anand


    Superb experience. My first visit to the casino. Staff is courteous and the feel and experience is great

  • en

    manu tripathi


    I had a very good experience, staff were friendly and cooperative, free drinks ,dinner and hotel drop, I spent 4 hours on the roulette table and thoroughly enjoyed my time. Well deserved 5 stars

  • Kanchan Sharma

    Kanchan Sharma


    It's awsm and you can enjoy casino fever by lying on bed on ur home to

  • Suyog Pradhan

    Suyog Pradhan


    Casino Radison is located within the 5 star hotel Radission a deluxe hotel in Kathmandu and is open daily 24 hours. The casino’s 12,000 square foot gaming space features twenty gaming machines and four table games. The Casino is well located at strategic point surrounded by embassies and consulates. Small but cozy, Rad has a homely atmosphere with a great care. With Routette, Blackjack, mini-flush, Baccarat and Slots, this casino offers a peaceful venue for 24′ hour gaming in kathmandu. It also features live entertainment every evening. The service here is of international standard and the overall gaming atmosphere is fantastic.

  • en

    Queeny R


    I had a great time at the casino. The highlight is the staff. Young friendly and smiling good-looking servers and dancers. The place was filled with indian people. Most were rude and insensitive to the people working there. It's high time Indians change their attitude and stop looking down on people as slaves. However the staff was still energetic. I hope they are paid and looked after well by the management. They deserve empowerment.

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