City Center i Kathmandu

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NepalCity Center



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Pashupati Road, 44605, Kathmandu, Bagmati, NP Nepal
kontakter telefon: +977 1-4419363
internet side:
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Latitude: 27.7095322, Longitude: 85.3266246

kommentar 5

  • en

    Vishal Agarwal


    The best shopping mall I have ever visited. No word to express the felling. It's totally freaking to visit this mall

  • Dilliram Bhandari

    Dilliram Bhandari


    The city center is one of the best shopping centers in Kathmandu Nepal. This is also the big roof marketing destination for the every age group located at Kamalpokhari. The Kathmandu have many visible businesses and invisible business which are operating on contract and some are operating non-contract. The city center is also the great designed, market destination which has made the people lunatic towards their features and offer in the home of the city center.

  • Salin Sharma

    Salin Sharma


    A high end shopping market with exclusive brands and showrooms. Provides all kind of commodities with excellent movie theatres, gaming lounges and restaurants.

  • Anish Karki

    Anish Karki


    Great place to be with friends and family. Different brands of apparels, sunglasses, shoes, etc. Attracts a lot of customers from valley. Kid friendly environment with different fun filled games are also available. The threatre here, for enjoying the first class movie experience is what most people love about this place. It also organizes different shows which also makes it a fun place to be. But the centre's wash room is hard to find for new people.

  • Raj Kumar Subedi

    Raj Kumar Subedi


    Need to restart and restructure food lounge. Movie experience is good here. Ground floor has options for having vegetarian snacks and coffee. Good choice of clothes for shopping. Overall good. A bit high priced for shopping point of view though. Also, location is convenient. You have taxies waiting outside for travelling if you don't have your own vehicle

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