CIWEC Hospital Pokhara i Pokhara

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NepalCIWEC Hospital Pokhara



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Lakeside Road, 33700, Pokhara, Gandaki, NP Nepal
kontakter telefon: +977 61-463082
internet side:
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Latitude: 28.2093884, Longitude: 83.9593074

kommentar 5

  • Gauruv Luitel

    Gauruv Luitel


    Good environment best service

  • C M

    C M


    I have been in CIWEC Hospital several times with intestinal infections and once with a heart attack. The care at CIWEC is outstanding. The doctors are highly competent, and the Nursing staff is highly skilled and professional. I have had good outcomes every time. C Miller

  • Andreas Kullerkann

    Andreas Kullerkann


    Excellent hospital! We recieved a very good service. The doctors and the nurses are competent and very friendly. The facilities are clean and well maintained. It is quite pricey but hopefully all the visitors have insurance like we did.

  • Peter Andersen

    Peter Andersen


    Great service by Highly trained doctors. We got the Best service And cooperation with our insurance company worked well. If you need help in Pokara this is the place to ask. Everything From sterile equipment to medicine was at a high level and we felt safe and well treated.

  • Elana Pfaller

    Elana Pfaller


    Great clinic, great staff. Everyone was treating me extremely friendly and I felt very safe during my hospital stay. The medicine they prescribed me was very effective and helped me to get healthy again soon. Can highly recommend.

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