Dasharath Stadium i Kathmandu

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NepalDasharath Stadium


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Kathmandu 44600, Nepal
kontakter telefon: +977 1-4261873
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Latitude: 27.695077, Longitude: 85.314829

kommentar 5

  • GalaxProz Series

    GalaxProz Series


    Nice stadium and many matches can be seen nicely. Some times I felt off the stadium. This place is great and beautiful and views are too awesome and beautiful. If I will have too rate this place then it is quite cool. I give five star. Very wonderful stadium.




    Very nice . It is only the national stadium of Nepal.. But it is very dangerous to go inside due to the 2072 earthquake of Nepal.It got damage...

  • Santosh Khatiwada

    Santosh Khatiwada


    It is Nepalese first national stadium. It was built in 1956 and to date hasn’t changed almost at all with its original stands preserved. It has one grandstand with seats and partial cover and remaining sections being open and ‘C’ shaped. Since the very beginning it’s been the country’s central sports and cultural venue, just to mention the fact that majority of Nepal’s top league clubs play their home games here. It went through several renovations, but each time the works were rather symbolic – new furnishings, paintwork or installations, like floodlights or giant screen. Most significant works preceded large tournaments hosted here, like the Asian Games of 1999 and 2012 AFC Challenge Cup. Apart from sport numerous festivals and entertainment events take place here with international stars also appearing – like Bryan Adams in 2011. This stadium’s history has a dark page. On March 12 1988 hailstorm started during a football game. With hailstorms in Nepal being very intensive at this part of the year and causing pain to unprotected people, most spectators from the uncovered stands rushed to the only grandstand with some roof. There was no room for them and so police forces started to fight the crowd off. In an attempt to flee the ground people then rushed towards one of the gates, but it had been closed after game began to avoid illegal entry. In a massive crush 93 people were killed with some 100 more injured. Despite its giant scale, this tragedy hasn’t received international attention.

  • Dilliram Bhandari

    Dilliram Bhandari


    The stadium is currently used mostly for football matches and cultural and entertainment programs. Three Star Club are tenants of the stadium. It has floodlights installed, to facilitate matches and events in the evenings. Most of Nepal's national and international tournaments are held in this stadium. Nepal's primary football division, Martyr's Memorial League, is also held in this ground every year........

  • Kritajna Shrestha

    Kritajna Shrestha


    National stadium of our country. It hosts International football events and also national level league matches. Located centrally, it is reachable from most parts of Kathmandu. It needs an upgrade from current position as it is the only international stadium till date.

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