Delhi Public School i Biratnagar

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NepalDelhi Public School


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Biratnagar 56613, Nepal
kontakter telefon: +977 21-462074
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.4712596, Longitude: 87.2616773

kommentar 5

  • en

    Gaurav Agrawal


    Best place to get educated

  • Bilash Luitel

    Bilash Luitel


    Based on Indian curriculum.

  • suman shah

    suman shah


    Founded as a Delhi Public School (DPS) Biratnagar on May 7th, 2008 under the aegis of the Delhi Public School Society, is one of the most prestigious school in Biratnagar, Nepal. At Delhi Public School (DPS) children are taught beyond the classroom through experiences that prepare them for adult life, within a protected environment. They learn the skills of social interaction and decision making to deal with success and adversity to respect others and themselves and to be independent without being selfish. Teachers are trained to help them tide over childhood crises and traumas, acting as friends and guides. The environment and activities are designed to ensure that the hours in school are full of fun, cheer and care. It 's a happy child who passes out from DPS and faces the world with confidence. DPS Biratnagar has excellent facilities for all popular sports including several playing fields and courts. This School is affiliated with CBSE Board and offers +2 Science and Commerce.

  • Angel Princess

    Angel Princess


    Much better school ...... food is not good in the canteen...

  • en

    Ruslan Sulaimankulov


    International recognised school with good environment but with bad roads)

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