Department of Passport i Kathmandu

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NepalDepartment of Passport



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Kanti Path, 44600, Kathmandu, Bagmati, NP Nepal
kontakter telefon: +977 1-4416011
internet side:
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Latitude: 27.7146122, Longitude: 85.3163682

kommentar 5

  • Bikramaditya Niroula

    Bikramaditya Niroula


    Everything is good ! But no parking! Visit Thamel area to park your vehicle !! I repeat no parking area for public ! Strict security check !!

  • Hello Yeti

    Hello Yeti


    Awfull. Need to wait over 3 hours to submit documents for passport. It’s pretty expensive to get a passport.

  • Bijayaraj Ghimire

    Bijayaraj Ghimire


    They are doing their best to minimize crowd.

  • Anish Ghimire

    Anish Ghimire


    Lastly people need to wait for hours to get the passport but now the things are changed. As i was going to get my passport made i was not so hurry and went to the department at 1 pm. Filling the first voucher for the payment was easy but paying the amount in the bank was nlt so good. There was no rule of getting in queue and doing the work. The computer that the officers were using were too old and listening to them the computer was getting slower due to the system. And then to click the photo, fingerprint, and signature there was a queue and i liked that. Now the person who wants their passport made not need to stand rather they can sit in the chair.

  • Pawan Kandel

    Pawan Kandel


    a good management should be required, people have to stand for more than 3 to 4 hours to get his ,her passwords,

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