Destination Unlimited Treks i Kathmandu

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NepalDestination Unlimited Treks



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Bhagawati, Thamel Road, 44600, Kathmandu, Bagmati, NP Nepal
kontakter telefon: +977 985-1142522
internet side:
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Latitude: 27.717022, Longitude: 85.311702

kommentar 5

  • Andreu SM

    Andreu SM


    Màxima fiabilitat. L'Ashok i els seus empleats son tots molt nobles, transparents i legals en tots els serveis que ofereixen.

  • en

    DN Maher


    Outfitters Nepal are by far th best tour group to use in Nepal for the Destination Unlimited Treks & Expeditions Pvt. Ltd. Every detail and care is taken to ensure that the clients come as clients an leave as friends. with them you're safe and well taken care off. Mohan our trek guide was amazing. Definitely a highly recommended company to use

  • Jitendra Kapar

    Jitendra Kapar


    I have long years experience in providing its information with life lasting memories of their travels and adventures to the Himalayas and the region. We offer adventure travels to Himalayan countries which include Nepal – the gems of the Himalayan range. We offer a wide range of activities including hiking, trekking, peak climbing, mountaineering, rafting, mountain biking and wildlife safaris. One of our greatest specialties also include cultural tours around the heritage sites of the country. We are happy to help you in developing customized tours and treks according to your wishes and needs, mixing and matching activities and locations in order to provide one- of-a- kind experiences that last for a lifetime.

  • Kapil Dks

    Kapil Dks


    One of the best service i ever receive before in my life. Felt more happy with the service of terks. Loved it.

  • en

    sanvi moni


    I am gonna give five star rating because of the services they provided.Really awe-inspiring services. Love the way they served.One of the most reputed trekking agencies of Nepal.You can rely on their services.Cool platform for trekking lover.Highly recommended!

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