Dhaulagiri Zonal Hospital i Darling

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NepalDhaulagiri Zonal Hospital



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Darling 33300, Nepal
kontakter telefon: +977 68-520188
internet side: dhaulagirizonalhospital.gov.np
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 28.2686455, Longitude: 83.6003411

kommentar 5

  • manoj sharma

    manoj sharma


    Doctor are friendly and new token system make it easy,so i had a good experience in this hospital

  • Blueice



    Worst hospital 👿👿👿 Need to improve management.....Staff are rude and not experienced

  • Pradeep Shrestha

    Pradeep Shrestha



  • Yuvraj Sharma

    Yuvraj Sharma


    Its better not to visit this hospital. Majority of the doctors and staff run their own clinic outside the hospital. And the manner they behave the patients is ridiculous. Some of them who run their own clinic outside the hospital are not pharmacists and donot have license but still they are selling medicines like pop corn😐

  • Ram Bahadur

    Ram Bahadur


    Nice location in baglung But my intentions is why not the best government hospital in baglung district.. if it’s a zonal hospital why we should depend on the other hospitals

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