Hotel Lotus Inn i पोखरा

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NepalHotel Lotus Inn


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Baidam, Pokhara-6, पोखरा 33700, Nepal
kontakter telefon: +977 61-465969
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Latitude: 28.2067132, Longitude: 83.9608036

kommentar 5

  • Peaceful Rider

    Peaceful Rider


    Helpful staff and good management and smile staff.

  • samarth shrestha

    samarth shrestha


    Great place to crash in if you're in Pokhara for a couple of days

  • Jonas Guntrum

    Jonas Guntrum


    Family run business, rooms need to be renewed soon, the owner speaks not a good English, we ordered breakfast and they forgot one half of the order and the other one was wrong.

  • Ravi Yadav

    Ravi Yadav


    Outstanding, worth it based on price,great environment, plenty of space,big rooms

  • ardoregulus



    The staff was very helpful. Gave me a choice of rooms, rushed to do my laundry for trekking the next day without charging more, and booked my bus to get to the start of the Annapurna Circuit for a minimal extra cost. They also stored my bags for free and the wifi actually works really well, even on the top floor corner where I was. That’s not usually the case I’ve discovered. It’s very central. You can walk from the bus station in about twenty minutes and to the trekking permit office in about fifteen. It’s cheap for its location as well, everything else nearby was over 1000 rupees. The rooms are comfortable, they’re not luxury but you get what you pay for and in this price range it’s very good.

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