Janakpur Railway Station i Janakpur

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NepalJanakpur Railway Station


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Janakpur 45600, Nepal
kontakter telefon: +977
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Latitude: 26.7338802, Longitude: 85.9366509

kommentar 5

  • Deepak Singh

    Deepak Singh


    I went to the janakpur railway station eight years ago . We enjoyed with my friends when we visited janakpur dham.

  • The PicTube

    The PicTube


    Janakpur Road railway station is a small railway station in Sitamarhi district, Bihar. Its code is JNR. It serves Janakpur Road town. The station consists of 2 platforms. It's B category railway station of Samastipur railway division. The Janakpur Road is well connected to most of the major cities in India like Patna, Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Bangalore, Udaipur, Jaipur, Kanpur, Guwahati, Surat, Lucknow, and other cities by the railway network.

  • kundan thakur

    kundan thakur


    Nepal raily is nearely to run jnp to jaynagar




    Hiiii we have good news now a days yupp one n only NEPAL REALWAY reconstruct

  • Surabhu Thapa

    Surabhu Thapa


    The condition of train is worst. My friend has died there due to electric shock because of careless. The surrounding is to dirty . The road conditions is also not good . Sewage and garbage are everywhere . The train can be kept in museum as it is first train in Nepal . Though not maintained well I personally felt happy to be at this place. I suggest everyone to come and visit this place atleast once. Let's all of us put our hand together to run this train once again in Nepal..

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