Jay Traders & Hardwares i Nepalgunj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NepalJay Traders & Hardwares



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Ratna Rajmarg, 21900, Nepalgunj, Bheri, NP Nepal
kontakter telefon: +977 81-411102
internet side: www.jthardwares.com
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Latitude: 28.0702008, Longitude: 81.6303438

kommentar 5

  • baniya shirshak

    baniya shirshak


    The staffs and cheif operator are really helpful and they give more time to customer. They can manage for transportation to supply to dhangadi, surkhet and all over nepal. Previously this shop used to work with hydropower project. Overall we had good time with Jay Trader and hardware. The store has wide range of metal products

  • en

    Jay Arihant


    Amazing variety of section products almost all items available under one roof, loved the prices too. No other place like Jay Traders and Hardwares for steel products. Keep up the good work you people.

  • Abhishek Singh

    Abhishek Singh


    Highly recommended due to their best pricing policy. A very professional attitude which they had, made the task much easier.

  • Harshit Shrivastava

    Harshit Shrivastava


    I got the equipments which were not available in the market. Very wide variety of hardware equipments. The staff behavior was very good. They were very polite. A must visit place for hardware equipments. Keep up the good work!:)

  • en

    prishita agarwal


    Its a perfect place for all hardware requirements as the collection is vast with great customer satisfaction. I suggest others to purchase your items from this place as there is nthing better then a one stop shop place.

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