Kamana Dairy & Bakery i Dharan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NepalKamana Dairy & Bakery



🕗 åbningstider

Putali line, 56700, Dharan, Koshi, NP Nepal
kontakter telefon: +977 25-524077
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.8113711, Longitude: 87.2839801

kommentar 5

  • Henish Gurung

    Henish Gurung


    Loved their pastry.

  • Rabindra Maharjan

    Rabindra Maharjan


    It's a really nice place to have coffee and bakery items. Place is well designed and decorated. Service is ok and staffs are friendly too.

  • roby rai

    roby rai


    Best coffees in town. The mo:mos are delicious. To top it off the cakes are amazing. The setting is really beautiful and cozy.

  • sundep gurung

    sundep gurung


    Right at the center of Dharan, this place is located at a prime location attracting many consumers everyday. The place appeared quite exclusive, nicely furnished, and prominent wall arts. The people were very friendly and the coffe, and pastries good. I will rate the coffee 4 stars and cake 3 stars. The only thing they need to improve is the speed of service- they were a bit slow ( may be due to festive days). At times we couldn't find the waiter . Overall the place is a good place to chill.

  • Alowkik Thapa

    Alowkik Thapa


    Great hospitality. Good services and foods. Beautiful wall paintings. Adequate space. Good lighting. Overall, the place is cosy and comfortable. Smoking zone is separated and placed away from main serving areas.

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