National Medical College i Birganj

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NepalNational Medical College



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Birganj 44400, Nepal
kontakter telefon: +977 51-532260
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Latitude: 27.0109363, Longitude: 84.8963787

kommentar 5

  • Nepali Technical Guru

    Nepali Technical Guru


    it is the best medical in birgunj

  • Naresh Sharma

    Naresh Sharma


    National Medical College is affiliated with the internationally renowned Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal. The college has been accorded permanent recognition by the Nepal Medical Council for its total adherence to international standards set for the undergraduate and postgraduate level medical education by the World Federation for Medical Education. The World Health Organization (WHO) has listed this college in its World Directory of Medical Schools. National Medical College, Birgunj, Nepal The Medical and allied Health Science courses offered at this college based on the curriculum of Tribhuvan University.

  • Rambabu Mahato

    Rambabu Mahato


    NMC Is the best collage in Parsa district .. but poor management now a days. I had complain about a collage management because its never favour in poor student always giving priority to well rich student or their children... anyways I fell proud to have like this research collage in our birgunj city... and medical collage...

  • Mohammed Nasir Ansari

    Mohammed Nasir Ansari


    Of course the facilities are well enough here but they are poorly managed. And the service provided here is poor and tedious. This national hospital is the only one which provides services at low price due to which people have to visit although demotivated by it's tedious service. Poor management and no inspection regarding it's quality and timely service delivery. Just irritated enough.

  • Anish Kumar Karna

    Anish Kumar Karna


    Good hospital in Birganj.for all kinds of medical treatment.

nærmeste Hospital

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