Oodni The Boutique i Kathmandu

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NepalOodni The Boutique



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Kathmandu 44600, Nepal
kontakter telefon: +977 1-5180327
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 27.68505, Longitude: 85.31834

kommentar 5

  • en

    Harish Dangi


    Excellent design although price is little high. Overall it will be good to go and try some clothes. But dont forget to check in other shop before buying there.

  • Shashwat Shrestha

    Shashwat Shrestha


    Elegance ETIQUETTE AND AWESOME... 🤓🤓🤓

  • Rajan Dahal

    Rajan Dahal


    Very good boutique shop. Fashion wear.

  • suresh tandukar

    suresh tandukar


    one of the best boutique with reasonable price

  • en

    Prithvi Limbu


    My wife bought her lehenga from Oodni boutique, which is not cheap at all. The work on Lehenga was very good. Lehenga was bit long for my wife and we went there to fix it and they kept on saying length is okay even we tried at the very place. I want to complain about customer service. Customer service Oodni provides was zero literally zero. When we entered the boutique there was no warm feelings, they ignored and did not talk to us. I felt like they made enough name and fame so they thought everybody is going to come to them. Don't get me wrong, i say one more time work they did in their clothes is great. Only customer care is zero. It's not my hate review. It is what i experienced with them. I personally wouldn't suggest my friends to go there. I tried to review in FB but they have not allowed their guest to review in FB either, which shows their real color.

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