Pizza King i Kathmandu

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NepalPizza King



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Narsingh Chowk Marg, 44600, Kathmandu, Bagmati, NP Nepal
kontakter telefon: +977 1-4701154
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Latitude: 27.714511, Longitude: 85.310675

kommentar 5

  • en

    Armaan Mukhiya


    Had a slice ! Great and rewarding, you can have the slice of pizza as you want with your own topping but topping is extra, you'll enjoy every bite in your own style, this is my best experience in the pizza king. Fell in love with the slice i will be there for a whole pizza next time.

  • Niti Shahi

    Niti Shahi


    The place didn't have proper sitting places but the pizzas are very delicious.

  • Neptune TheZimbo

    Neptune TheZimbo


    The reviews led me to this place. I'm glad I followed! Delicious, fresh and fast! Honestly the best pizza I've had in Asia. Is it the sauce? The fresh ingredients? Can't put my tastebuds on it... It's definitely the love put into the pizzas. Prices are fair for the size of the pizza, 2 not so hungry people could share one. Scrumptious. I Highly recommend. Thank you Mr King of pizza!

  • Hikmat Tamang

    Hikmat Tamang


    Best pizza I ever had in my lifetime. I tried meat feast and that was the best one sharing with all my families. I TRULY RECOMMED THIS PLACE. THIS IN THAMEL NEXT TO BUDDHA BAR.

  • laxman gandharba

    laxman gandharba


    Delicious pizza ! I truly recommend this place. I had a family visit and their pizza is great. I had pizza in many places but this is the one that I like. 😃😃😃

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