Roadhouse Cafe Pokhara i Pokhara

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NepalRoadhouse Cafe Pokhara



🕗 åbningstider

Lake Side, Pokhara 33700, Nepal
kontakter telefon: +977 61-467421
internet side:
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Latitude: 28.2137738, Longitude: 83.9574253

kommentar 5

  • Cocchini Corp

    Cocchini Corp


    Wow! Top notch place. Crazy decor, food and service. Well worth the price.

  • Mohamed Ali Ouled Ameur

    Mohamed Ali Ouled Ameur


    This was an amazing restaurant high class service and super delicious food. I had dinner over here for the new year. I took my girlfriend with me and we had an amazing time together. We did the reservation a day before when we fist checked the menus and the inside tables and we loved so much. We ordered some salad, fish and pasta and we ended up loving the food over there. I really recommend this restaurant for my friends even though the prices are quite high and with around 23% extra charge but that was fine for a one time diner.

  • Geoffrey Smith

    Geoffrey Smith


    Relaxed and Chill. Blues and Jazz Piano playing in the back ground. Food is good too.

  • MsKTMvalley



    Yummy food! Oven cooked pizza. Two for one happy hour cocktail drinks 🤗 Attractive restaurant inside and comfortable. Easy walk from hotels.

  • Sonam chiri Sherpa

    Sonam chiri Sherpa


    Excellent pizza and coffee. A very clean cafe and nice staffs.

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