Sahid Maidan Stadium i Biratnagar

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NepalSahid Maidan Stadium



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Biratnagar 56613, Nepal
kontakter telefon: +977
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Latitude: 26.4626157, Longitude: 87.2859495

kommentar 5

  • Amit jung Rayamajhi

    Amit jung Rayamajhi


    Best stadium outside the valley.It had recently organized Birat gold cup With the special attraction of flood light.The match was played in night having large number of spectators then the hope.Situated in the heart of biratnagar.It creates history by organizing day night tournament outside of valley.

  • subas basnet

    subas basnet


    Its a good place of State no 1 Nepal's Stadium...

  • Raghukul Jr.

    Raghukul Jr.


    Sahid Maidan is the home stadium of Biratnagar and occasionally hosts tournaments like "Birat Gold Cup",situated near Golchha chowk this stadium has been one of the oldest and the first to have been built in the city holding approximately 10,000 seat capacity.Although this stadium has been used as home stadium for couple of decades .. nothing much has been improved over the years .. no drinking facilities available..No parking .. and the worst part of it is that they have even failed to provide proper toilet inside the stadium ..

  • en

    Prajwal Mahato


    Now sahid maidan is far better than two years ago ..

  • BTL official

    BTL official


    It is good place for a game either cricket or any other sports.. It have a better system of stadium also

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