Subhakamana mo mo Ghar i Itahari

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NepalSubhakamana mo mo Ghar



🕗 åbningstider

AH2, Itahari 56705, Nepal
kontakter telefon: +977 984-2343822
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Latitude: 26.6635384, Longitude: 87.2723279

kommentar 5

  • Ashish Sharma

    Ashish Sharma


    Visited before COVID. Lot of areas to improve and owner could start with tasting their own momo as had higher expectation going into the place which specialise only in momo however didnt meet the expectation. Such a worse tasting momos. If want some nice momos then go somewhere else.

  • prajwal bhandari

    prajwal bhandari


    Cool place to hangout. Good service with minimum price and wide variety of food item and drinks.

  • Binaya Timilsina

    Binaya Timilsina


    Located in prime location of Itahari chowk, this place aims to serve its costumers. The ambience is good. The price list of menu is okay. Overall the food tasted good. A recommended place in Itahari to visit for everyone.

  • Mani karmacharya

    Mani karmacharya


    Liked the jhol (soup) momo. Tried both chicken and buff and they are delicious. Never knew that you get tasty momos out of Kathmandu as well. The service is quite fast and i liked the way they offered the variety of pickels you can server yourself.

  • ashish a

    ashish a


    Excellent place for variety of snacks and specially mo mo.

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