Temple Tree Resort & Spa i Pokhara

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NepalTemple Tree Resort & Spa



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Lakeside Road, 33700, Pokhara, Gandaki, NP Nepal
kontakter telefon: +977 61-465819
internet side: templetreenepal.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 28.2060762, Longitude: 83.962838

kommentar 5

  • Swexa Xtha

    Swexa Xtha


    best breakfast and better than US stays.

  • Vicki Jennings

    Vicki Jennings


    Well kept RV park close to everything in town as well as Zion. Sites are gravel and fairly level. Super awesome people in the office and quiet at night. They had trash containers conveniently located at nearly every site. The BEST thing was their internet! Zoom zoom!

  • Chetan Tarpe

    Chetan Tarpe


    Have high rates of room but provided services are not enough. Although staff is very caring and supporting

  • Kiran Viswamurthy

    Kiran Viswamurthy


    Hands down the best place to check-in in Pokhara...courteous staff...clean rooms...great ambience around the resort...not just namesake high class but truly feels so...can’t recommend this place highly enough...we had a lovely time and also loved the variety and quality of items in their morning buffet style breakfast... Tip: ask the travel desk to bundle local trips with your stay...great value and wonderful service.

  • Sabi Dawadi

    Sabi Dawadi


    We stayed in this hotel for 2 nights from 5 - 7 Feb 2020.This was our 4th time staying in this hotel. We have enjoyed our stay here every time and been impressed with their service and everything, but this time we a had a sour ending to our stay when the reception staff insinuated that we were responsible for the 2 plastic hangers missing from our room. We requested them to have a look at our luggage but they wouldn't do that either. They were not even sure whether not the room actually had those 2 plastic hangers because when we told them that we only saw and used 2 wooden hangers, they looked confused. We had enjoyed our stay up till then but it was very humiliating for us to be accused of something so petty. We felt very disappointed with the resort staff. We even emailed them this complaint before posting a review, but got no response.

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