Vardan Resort N' Apartment, i पोखरा

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NepalVardan Resort N' Apartment,


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Lakeside, Pahari Path, 33700, पोखरा, गण्डकी, NP Nepal
kontakter telefon: +977 61-465830
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Latitude: 28.2104491, Longitude: 83.9595136

kommentar 5

  • Travel Light

    Travel Light


    We had a wonderful time at this place and could stay in the Dhaulagiri Suite. This was just perfect with air conditioning, big bathroom including bath tub and kitchen. When there was a kitchenware missing for our convenience, the owner Madan was more than happy to help us out with his private utensils. And wherever you look around you'll realise that this Resort is a little paradise on earth: Surrounded by a lush garden it is unique in its architecture and even the rooms are so detailled in their furniture. Book a room and find out yourself how enjoyable a stay can be over there!

  • smit jakson

    smit jakson


    Great hotel and service.Well food and clean

  • Carla Thomas

    Carla Thomas


    Vardan Resort and Apartments is very friendly and family orientated. We felt welcomed and looked after. Breakfast is catered in the rooms which is great for kids. Location is great, and is nice and quiet at night. We thoroughly enjoyed our visit. (1 month stay)

  • Puspa Regmi

    Puspa Regmi


    very nice place to be for the vacation.. combination of all modern technology and old traditional architecture great hospitality overall excellent!! my favorite place to be in Pokhara, Nepal

  • Jessica McFalls

    Jessica McFalls


    Very nice and simple rooms. Good bathroom with good hot water. A/C. Decent WiFi and very nice staff. The best thing is the beauty of the property. The cottages are beautiful as you can see from my pics. Only negative is the bed was a bit hard. No food on the premises but it is only a short 5 min. Walk to so many great Lakeside restaurants!!!

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