Wildlife Adventure Resort i Chitwan

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NepalWildlife Adventure Resort



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Badrehani 8, Sauraha, Chitwan 44202, Nepal
kontakter telefon: +977 985-1054813
internet side: wildadventureresort.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 27.5776393, Longitude: 84.4751537

kommentar 5

  • nicole martinelli

    nicole martinelli


    Really nice place with an amazing view over the river. Staff was really nice and food was alright. They also provide activities to do and I highly recommend the two days stay as it's perfect to do all tge activities while not getting bored (cause it's a small village so there isn't much to doo).

  • Kitty ebeling koning

    Kitty ebeling koning


    A very peacefull place, beautifull nature, very pleasant room, very nice people working there with good service and nice food. For sure I recomment a walk with a guide in the area and a jeeptour through the Jungle, Or a package, wich includes these, but I will not tell you everything ofcourse😉 ps: please respect nature, also meaning don't throw toiletpaper in the jungle 🙏namasté Kitty from The Netherlands.

  • Daniela



    Very good structure, they also offer a lot of different packages (safari, visit to tharu village...) for a good price, according to your preferences. The staff is also very kind and always willing to help.

  • Bhisma Thapa

    Bhisma Thapa


    Great place for outing but food served is not upto the mark

  • Luis Carneiro

    Luis Carneiro


    Rooms are cool, AC to the max power. Food is simple buy tasty, could be improved. Service was so kind. My only regret, not against them but against the tourists who demand elephant riding, is having such services active. Promoting harming animals is not nice. If you go there choose the jeep option and canoe riding, you can enjoy a nice time watching rhinos, deers, elephants, crocodiles and birds in real wildlife. Just get a camera with zoom and do not bother the animals.

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