Ekta Books Distributors i Kathmandu

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NepalEkta Books Distributors



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Prasuti Griha Marg, 44600, Kathmandu, Bagmati, NP Nepal
kontakter telefon: +977 1-4245787
internet side: www.ektabooks.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 27.690306, Longitude: 85.318186

kommentar 5

  • James Nye

    James Nye


    Good stock of books, especially in English. Helpful staff.

  • en

    Bhawani Adhikari


    Good staff & place is nice as well..... Large quantity of books on various subjects are available.... Overall visiting here was an good experience.....

  • Alpha Channel

    Alpha Channel


    This place has been in the town since a very long time and I must tell you, they sell the finest books in town.However,when you go to this place , buying a few books might empty your pockets.

  • Davin Skellington

    Davin Skellington


    They are the biggest book distributors in the nation. I remember studying books in high school that were published by Ekta.

  • Ananta Bhadra Lamichhane

    Ananta Bhadra Lamichhane


    One of the largest collection of Books and stationeries. If you are looking for a new book released abroad that could not be found elsewhere in Kathmandu, you can expect it in Ekta Books Distributor. If you are looking for a rare bit globally famous title, then, it is definitely one of places where you can expect it. But, Ekta Books Distributor does not normally give discounts or concession on book price. Also, I have never heard that Ekta ever offered any books or series on Discount or stock clearance sales.

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