Vision Books i Kathmandu

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NepalVision Books


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Chaksibari Marg, 44600, Kathmandu, Bagmati, NP Nepal
kontakter telefon: +977 982-3616811
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Latitude: 27.716406, Longitude: 85.309913

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ashutosh singh


    Probably the best (and also legendary) bookshop in Kathmandu. Very polite staffs. VisionBooks has one of the most exhaustive list of books in the city.

  • en

    Ming Cheong


    Storekeeper and his mum started being very rude and aggressive when we went back to return the book we bought 5 minutes ago. Many other better book stores around. 👎

  • Ashutosh singh

    Ashutosh singh


  • Ansuman Singh

    Ansuman Singh


    Well, to start with it is located inside bank of kathmandu building, so very few people really notice it from the roadside that makes it a great place to indulge in long book browsing session. i take my time to choose my books. It has one of the best collection of books u can imagine in very little place. books everywhere, just like the old times. well there are some books that are really old like 200 years old. hooouuh makes the place more like a antique store. In short, if u are book lover, who enjoys great books.then this place is a must visit while in kathmandu.

  • Saurav Bhandari

    Saurav Bhandari


    (Y) (Y)

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