Hotel Moonlight i Kathmandu

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NepalHotel Moonlight



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16, Paknajol Marg, 44600, Kathmandu, Bagmati, NP Nepal
kontakter telefon: +977 1-4383566
internet side:
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Latitude: 27.7169016, Longitude: 85.3086833

kommentar 5

  • Akshat Sharma

    Akshat Sharma


    Great 4 star hotel with good english breakfast. Only downside is the way to enter the hotel is very narrow. But easily walkable area

  • Bella



    Loved this hotel! Super central, staff were funny and helpful, and rooms were clean and nice. Amazing views from the roof and the higher floors.

  • Tracy Rice

    Tracy Rice


    I stayed here 3 times while visiting Nepal and highly recommend this hotel. Great amenities (had a wonderful massage and pedicure), excellent food, very friendly and helpful staff and comfortable rooms.

  • Prasad Rasal

    Prasad Rasal


    Good place. Nice staff. Decent indian food for which one needs to discuss early. Breakfast is good. Near Thamel and near to market. Cozy rooms.

  • Lizzy H

    Lizzy H


    It was so clean, beautiful decor, amazing and SAFE food for breakfast and room service. They kindly gave us complementary popcorn and brought extra blankets, water, anything we needed. Would highly recommend!! Great location too.

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