SAMAY by the Lake i पोखरा

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NepalSAMAY by the Lake



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Khapaudi-2, Chahadi (on the way to Pame), पोखरा 33700, Nepal
kontakter telefon: +977 984-1342630
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 28.2255598, Longitude: 83.9447529

kommentar 5

  • Ankit Shakya

    Ankit Shakya


    One of the best places to be in, in Pokhara, if you're looking to get away from the busy lakeside. It's right by the lake and it was the perfect way to relax. The buffalo wings were top notch, we asked for a slightly spicier version and they delivered. HOWEVER, the lemon chicken we ordered completely ruined the experience. It was too sour to devour. We scrunched our faces and tried to eat a couple of bites but we just couldn't finish it. Ended up paying Rs. 1150 for two plates and they didn't even ask us why we didn't eat even half of the chicken. It's a miracle Samay is getting 3 stars, but the place was really good and the buffalo wings were great too. Maybe they had an off day with the lemon chicken, but it still made our entire experience a little sour.

  • Manasi Parajuli

    Manasi Parajuli


    Lovely place by the side of Fewa lake. They serve you the best chicken wings, with your preference of spicyness. You can stay outside and enjoy the view. Place is little away from Lakeside so you might need to either take your own vehicle or go with public bus. However,the staffs were not quick to coming to customers once they arrive. Even for a small order like water, they didn't ever bring it after calling for few times.

  • Amos Gurung

    Amos Gurung


    it's quite place to hang out. you would love to be there by the lake

  • Joras



    Awesome place bit lil bit high rated maybe due to the so called lake side

  • Prabesh Giri

    Prabesh Giri


    The location for this restro is just perfect with great lake view,the fresh wind flow.Strong recommendation for those looking for food with perfect view.

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