Sapana Village Lodge Chitwan i Chitwan

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NepalSapana Village Lodge Chitwan


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3 Sauraha Road, Chitwan 44200, Nepal
kontakter telefon: +977 56-580308
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Latitude: 27.59, Longitude: 84.4922222

kommentar 5

  • BB Dhakal

    BB Dhakal


    Really cultural design resort. Hope to stay soon again.

  • Rebecca Evans

    Rebecca Evans


    This is an amazing place!!! You can go with your eyes closed! The staff is so friendly and nice, the rooms are so comfortable (great beds, warm showers, curtains block the light very well, lovely decoration, wonderful sitting area outside the room, etc.), the food is delicious (including a very good breakfast with an amazing coffee and/or masala tea). Then the setting: it is located by the river, it is so serene and calm (because it’s just outside of Sauraha), and there are multiple little nooks where you can sit on comfy and cosy day beds, and enjoy the serenity of the place. We only had one wish: that we’d stayed a little longer! Oh and the cherry on the cake: the hotel founder (local man) is helping a lot his community, he created a school for kids, helps women provide for their families by helping them build their business through micro-credits, etc. So you contribute to that by coming here! :)

  • Frank Daggert

    Frank Daggert


    Very beautiful hotel/resort nearby Chitwan National Park. Rooms are very nice and clean, staff is very kind. Lodge offers a lot of jungle activities, spa, sightseeing in the village. Also a beautiful central mind-set; the profit of the lodge is invested in local community projects. Supporting the people who need it #live&letlive

  • Rodney Chambers

    Rodney Chambers


    We have just a special week at Sapana Village Lodge. I attended a conference during the day and my wife enjoyed all the resort had to offer. Lovely local, rustic/safari feel but nice facilities with great staff and management. Slightly out of Townsend quiet but still close. Lots of activities and wildlife both organised and random to watch or get involved. Their aspiration/dream to support their community and wildlife while providing a great tourist visitor product exceeded expectations. Thanks for hosting us and delivering a wonderful experience. Cheers Rodney Chambers

  • Ting W.

    Ting W.


    It’s a pricey place. The activities and food are both expensive in Nepali standard. I recommend you to take the full package and enjoy all inclusive services once you decide to come. It’s hustle free. It’s a very nice getaway after long hikes or bustle Kathmandu.

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