Hotel Ganesh Himal i Chettrapati, Thamel

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NepalHotel Ganesh Himal



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Ikhapokhari Marg, Chettrapati, Thamel 44600, Nepal
kontakter telefon: +977 1-4243819
internet side:
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Latitude: 27.709892, Longitude: 85.30662

kommentar 5

  • Ross OC Jennings

    Ross OC Jennings


    Perfect hotel for a couple of nights in Kathmandu. Location was handy enough from Thamel but out of the hecticness. Staff were lovely, breakfast was great and the roof terrace was an added bonus. You can even see the monkey temple from the top!

  • travis bluemling

    travis bluemling


    One of the nicer things about the hotel is that it is not in the center of the Thamel craziness. Rather, it's just a couple minutes outside where it is a bit quieter. The staff at the hotel was nothing but pleasant and helpful. The view from the roof, on a clear day, is stunning and gives you a different perspective of the city. It is a budget hotel, but one of the nicer budget hotels I've stayed at!

  • Paula Caceres

    Paula Caceres


    I cannot say enough positive things about this hotel: quiet, hot hot water, a bathtub (! Should u book that type of room), luggage storage (!!), friendly, helpful & attentive staff, lovely garden courtyard, and on and on. Stay here and relax and enjoy!

  • Brian Stewart

    Brian Stewart


    This is a great hotel to prepare for a trek or recover from a trek in the Himalayas. It is outside of the heavy tourist center, down a dirt road, but not too worry, the interior courtyard is very nice, the rooms are well done and the staff was very friendly. They even allowed us to store extra luggage at the hotel before the tell so that we had clean comfy clothes for our return. Not 5 stars only because of the dirt path to find the hotel.

  • Juan Manuel Quilis

    Juan Manuel Quilis


    Bien ubicado, tranquilo, práctico y comodo. Muy recomendable!

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