Kantipur Temple House i Kathmandu

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NepalKantipur Temple House



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Chhusya Galli, Jyatha, Kathmandu 44600, Nepal
kontakter telefon: +977 1-4250131
internet side: kantipurtemplehouse.com
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Latitude: 27.711352, Longitude: 85.313079

kommentar 5

  • en

    Macarena Castro


    Nice architecture. A very peaceful place in the middle of Thamel. The owner is very nice he has a very nice restaurant besides the hotel. Free yoga classes in the morning. The rooms are very nice.

  • 2 RePs

    2 RePs


    Authentic Nepalese hotel. Very traditional. Location is right in the heart of Thamel. Close to all the action. Only downfall is no TV. Which for me is pretty much a necessary. Breakfast is average. Staff very friendly.

  • Saniaa Shah

    Saniaa Shah


    Legacy, hospitality and true Nepali-ness packed into a quiet, pleasant property only a stone's throw away from the bustling tourist district of Kathmandu.

  • Kimmo Rossinen

    Kimmo Rossinen


    Great location, extremely kind and caring staff. Overall highly recommendable, but forget luxury: eco-solutions are well made but you need to accustom... Nevertheless, in Kathmandu standards, an excellent choice. I will return!

  • en

    Lauren Kelly


    Kantipur Temple House is located in the tourist district of Thamel, and although it is within walking distance from the hustle and bustle, it is far enough away to escape the noise of the busy city. The courtyard is a delightful place to sit and have breakfast. The restaurant serves delicious local dishes and has a few "western" items on the menu to cater for all tastes. The rooms are lovely with extremely comfy beds (not something that is easy to find in Nepal). The staff are delightful and even pop a hot water bottle in your bed on cold nights.

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