Hotel Yak and Yeti i Kathmandu

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NepalHotel Yak and Yeti



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Durbar Marg, Kathmandu 44600, Nepal
kontakter telefon: +977 1-4248999
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Latitude: 27.71166, Longitude: 85.320115

kommentar 5

  • www



    They have Diet Pepsi The first room was a bit run down, but it was very nice. But the wall to wall carpet had burning marks, the fridge with the minibar was ripped out from the cup board The restaurant is good and they serve good food and the staff is very friendly at the hotel. AND THE HOTEL LOOK VERY EXOTIC on all the internet pictures, but these pictures are the casino next door. Should actually be against the law to promote you property like this. The hotel itself is for sure not looking that exciting.

  • George Lienemann

    George Lienemann


    The Yak and Yeti was my home for several weeks during a business trip to Khatmandu. The hotel has a rich history and is one of those places where you feel like you are in the heart of a country, which you are in a way because it is located in the centre of the city. There are adventures in every direction, when you venture out of the hotel. Oddly enough the thing I remember best from my stay in this hotel was the breakfast. It was the first time I had Tibetan yak yogurt and I fell in love with it.

  • Tintin Herge

    Tintin Herge


    This one of the best known hotels in Kathmandu. Service is good and location too. However it needs to renovate the bathrooms and carpets. The surroundings, garden at the back, breakfast restaurant all are great. For a hotel of this price I expected toothbrush, toothpaste, comb etc but there was none. Good fun because there are many souvenir stores, restaurants, casinos and money changers around.

  • George Michaelson

    George Michaelson


    Upper scale oldish hotel. Well situated for city centre sites, nice breakfast and treasonable rooms. The old section is a former palace converted to hotel at the launch of the climbing tourism boom in the fifties and has some amazing rooms if you can get in (it's a conference venue). There are more modern higher end hotels but I like this one.

  • en



    Feels like I was transported back into the European Renaissance era with the exterior of this place. Doorman was really friendly and greets you every time you enter/ exit. We stayed at a room that has a pool view - very pretty view in the morning. Love the cleanliness of the hotel and friendliness of the staff. Strongly recommend. There’s a shopping mall right outside as well - perfectly situated with all amenities.

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