Radisson Hotel Kathmandu i Kathmandu

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NepalRadisson Hotel Kathmandu


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Lazimpat Road, 44600, Kathmandu, Bagmati, NP Nepal
kontakter telefon: +977 1-4411818
internet side: www.radisson.com
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Latitude: 27.7202186, Longitude: 85.3209287

kommentar 5

  • Saad Alsahli

    Saad Alsahli


    - Average hotel. Limited services. - 2 restaurants: both not good quality. - Around area is not bad. internet is not perfect but it is not bad. Rooms need to be renovated. - Helpful friendly staff.

  • Prajjwal Rajbhandari

    Prajjwal Rajbhandari


    Upscale place, highly vibrant and peaceful environment for stay and professional meet up. Proper management and excellent service right from you enter the doors. Highly distinguishable location for workshop as well for high class seminars from international donors such as ADB.

  • WrackAce Marz

    WrackAce Marz


    It is a commercial hotel (4 starred) with very good service. It can be a very good option for organizing events like seminar, workshops, small and big meetings, celebration ceremonies, etc. Spacious four wheeler and two wheeler parking is available with good security. Staffs are friendly and helpful.

  • Magnus Ohman

    Magnus Ohman


    The room standard is above average, and all is kept clean. There are two buildings with some 30 sec walk in-between. The new building has a nice standard, though you'll have to go out to get to the gym in the main building. The gym itself is on the top floor, and while for some reason they have almost exclusively focused on treadmills, you get a nice view. Don't bother about the sauna and steam room, they were both too cold when I was there. The breakfast buffet is good, room service is fast, but the menu limited.

  • pl

    chetan sardiwal



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