Hotel Happy Home Pvt.Ltd. i Kathmandu

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NepalHotel Happy Home Pvt.Ltd.



🕗 åbningstider

J P Marg, 44600, Kathmandu, Bagmati, NP Nepal
kontakter telefon: +977 1-4216807
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Latitude: 27.711946, Longitude: 85.309882

kommentar 5

  • Aleesa Grg

    Aleesa Grg


    A hotel where you can find a high quality rooms in a decent price and also the service is very good.

  • Dan Wag

    Dan Wag


    Got there the first night in Kathmandu and were very disappointed. The room was tiny and the bathroom was moldy. Can not recommend this place. There are better once in that same price range

  • Aussie Education

    Aussie Education


    Best hotel to stay. Was really great experience. Staff members are is nice and near to shopping market.

  • Britt Peters

    Britt Peters


    Had a wonderful here. The rooms were clean and nice. They have TVs, although I never turned one on so cant tell you about it. It's just off the main craziness which I enjoy, but also on a main road instead of an alley. Cabs are usually parked out front, so it will be easy to load up and go!

  • Sarita Timalsina

    Sarita Timalsina


    Great hotel to stay and so clean. The Roof top patio has amazing views. Owners and staff are so friendly and helpful. They always make us feel in home. They made my stay very pleasent highly recommended. Best thing was they provided us vegan meals🙏🙏. Thank you so much happy home family for making my Nepal stay better. Definitely will be there next time.

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