Shambaling Hotel i Kathmandu

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NepalShambaling Hotel


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Kathmandu 44600, Nepal
kontakter telefon: +977 1-4916868
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Latitude: 27.7266799, Longitude: 85.365462

kommentar 5

  • en

    Hans Kristian Drangsland


    Excellent hotel. Rooms met our expectations. Breakfast and dinner was good, and the staff was the most service-oriented we encountered while in Nepal. Will definitely come back. The only negative is the location, as Boudha is more dusty than many other places in Kathmandu.

  • en

    Moony Mon


    Best stay in Nepal! Spotlessly clean and very attentive staff. Breakfast was awesome

  • Arun Sharma

    Arun Sharma


    Cosy place,very peaceful stay

  • Edmond Reyes

    Edmond Reyes


    Rooms are quite big and comfortable, but the service needs some improvement. For example, Kathmandu is experiencing power shortage according to hotel personnel, power interruption occurs several times in a day. Our room's air condition was damage. Hotel refuses to change room even our air condition is not working. We have experience sleeping with blinds and windows open for one night. So we have to go through a long unpleasant argument and negotiation, then finally they give us a new room. Other than the mentioned problem, everything is still okay.

  • en

    Sahil Gulati


    Good hotel to stay in. Peaceful and calm place. A little far away from the main city but 20mins drive from the airport. Breakfast service can be improved. Recommend.

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