Alpine Hotel & Apartment i Kathmandu

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NepalAlpine Hotel & Apartment



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Chaksibari Marg, Opp Manang Hotel, Kathmandu 44600, Nepal
kontakter telefon: +977 1-4701435
internet side:
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Latitude: 27.7177614, Longitude: 85.3104161

kommentar 5

  • Suvam Rock

    Suvam Rock


    Lovely place to chill. Location and breakfast was the great things.

  • Abin Chaudhary

    Abin Chaudhary


    Very nice and clean accommodation in Kathmandu nepal. Thank you so much 😘

  • Serene Himalaya

    Serene Himalaya


    One of the best hotel in Kathmandu. Very reasonable prices very clean room very standard services it is wow you will get more then expectation.....

  • livia mikai

    livia mikai


    great hotel. the staff are friendly and attentive and the location is excellent. i am grateful to have had this unique experience in nepal.

  • Sabu Shrestha

    Sabu Shrestha


    Mr nick himself and their staff are very helpful like a family environment.Our room had a great view of the city with large windows to wake up to. The roof is also available, and was perfect for catching the sunset and Breakfast was good every morning and the coffee was very tasty. The bathroom was accommodating to a western tourist, and all staff spoke English. The price was very affordable as well.please recommend to all my pleasures.

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