Pariwar B&B i काठमाडौँ

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NepalPariwar B&B


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Ganeshman Street, Thamel Centre, South of Kathmandu GH, Thamel, काठमाडौँ 20062, Nepal
kontakter telefon: +977 1-4350254
internet side:
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Latitude: 27.7142665, Longitude: 85.310182

kommentar 5

  • Daniel Aldridge

    Daniel Aldridge


    I completed the Annapurna circuit with Pariwar and it was perfectly organised from start to finish. Giri was amazing and planned the trip for me. He was professional, kind and had a wealth of knowledge on the trekking there! My guide for the trek was a guy named Tek! He was outstanding, friendly, knowledgeable and I couldn’t hav asked for a better experience with him by my side! I would highly recommend this company and everyone I met who work with these guys were unforgettable and I feel I have found friends for life! If you are interested in trekking through Nepal this company can accommodate all of your needs! 5 star service with a smile! Thank you Giri, Tek and everyone I met at Pariwar you guys are legends!! Keep up the great work! See you guys again in the future!!! Dan Aldridge

  • bishwas aryal

    bishwas aryal


    Amazing budget hotel for all sort of tourists. Very friendly staff and delicious breakfast are the major qualities. And yes; their terrace makes one to stay as long as possible where they have a mini bar, mini library and kitchen adjacent to the rooftop where you can go cook your own food,boil tea or eggs!

  • Dony Domini

    Dony Domini


    Value for money budget hotel in the heart of Thamel. Friendly staff who are very helpful. The entrance is a bit difficult to stop as the reception is at the 2 nd floor and the boards are small.

  • Matt Ellis

    Matt Ellis


    Probably the best hotel in Thamel. It had everything I needed, great extra-friendly staff, and an amazing 24/7 outside balcony lounge. I heard some horror stories about other hotels in the area: bugs, stains, no hot water, no locks. That made me appreciate how lucky I was that I chose Pariwar.

  • Lochlan Broughton

    Lochlan Broughton


    Excellent location in Kathmandu, on the door step of the main strip in Thamel. The largest rooms with private bathrooms are reasonably priced. The bathroom is small but the hot water supply is excellent. The owner is very helpful in arranging activities around Kathmandu and beyond.

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