Peacock Guest House i Bhaktapur

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NepalPeacock Guest House



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Dattatraya Temple, Bhaktapur 44800, Nepal
kontakter telefon: +977 984-1604324
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Latitude: 27.6732527, Longitude: 85.4349708

kommentar 5

  • Wander Monk

    Wander Monk


    How wonderful to stay in this beautiful 800 year old house right in the middle of the square. Observing early morning activities around the square is an awesome experience

  • Shana Scogin

    Shana Scogin


    Had some friends coming in and I wanted them to experience a nice traditional Newari stay in Bhaktapur. The family is amazing and the room was beautiful, as expected. Highly recommend if you want to splurge and hang out for a bit in Bhaktapur.

  • Mercedes Wood

    Mercedes Wood


    AmaInf hospitality. Good English. Super friendly. Approx 150rupees for a tea and 250rupees for coffee. Blankets available to keep warm available too

  • Liz Neville

    Liz Neville


    Peacock Guest House was a great place to stay - on an ancient square in Bhaktapur, filled with incredibly intricate wood carvings, it was very atmospheric. The staff were friendly and knowledgeable and our rooms were tastefully decorated and comfortable. The food was delicious - tasty and well cooked. The breakfast was yummy and varied, and they didn't skimp on the portions. The owners were nice and very helpful. All in all a lovely place which I would very much recommend.

  • Klaus Koehler

    Klaus Koehler


    Great guest house in the Bhaktapur (old) quarter of Kathmandu. Really friendly staff. Good breakfast and also good for dinner... Asian fusion cuisine. Really nice and atmospheric interior... just one word of 'warning' for people above a certain height: most doors and even room ceilings are very low. So, be prepared to bend down a lot and watch your head or be prepared for some knock-outs ;-)

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