Hotel Silver Home i Kathmandu

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NepalHotel Silver Home



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Nepal, Kathmandu 44600, Nepal
kontakter telefon: +977 1-5349735
internet side:
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Latitude: 27.7133656, Longitude: 85.3114557

kommentar 5

  • fred mac

    fred mac


    My stay with Prem Lama Tamang at Silver Guest House was a fantastic experience. The staff were excellent and super friendly. The hotel was in a great location away from the hustle off Thamel. The business owners on the street are all super chilled and friendly. One might when I could not sleep they stayed up chatting with me showing me the local music and made me a drink to help me sleep. Next time I come to Kathmandu, this is the only place I am going to stay. Prem Tamang and co, you are legends!

  • Heidi Herranen

    Heidi Herranen


    Very nice hotel with very reasonable prices, very well located close to everything traveller may need but still in quieter alley. Noises from the streets dont bother you here. Rooms ( dorms and private) are very clean with basic comforts: warm showers, towels, soaps, tv, daily cleaning of the room. It has nice lobby, rooftop and balcony area where to hang out. It has great location, walking distance from sights like Durbar Square, Hanuman dhoka and Monkey Temple. Hotel also provised you information about trekking and tickets to transportation. If you ask beforehand they can organize airport pick up. I really enjoyed my time here. It has become like my second home. Hotel staff and owner are supernice and helpfull, they manage to create great and relaxed athmosphere here. You can see they dont do this just for money, they genuinely care for your wellbeing. I really recommend this place for both short and long-term visits! -Heidi H

  • Mahmoud Fawzy

    Mahmoud Fawzy


    I had great time at silver home hotel, very friendly staff and owner, you feel home, very practical for few days It's in quiet alley but very close to everything you need and the best prices so far

  • Gobin Dura

    Gobin Dura


    Stayed with my friends, because of their flight, they left early with full payment, when I tried to leave late in the morning I was asked for a payment again, which was annoying. I had to call my friend again to confirm the full payment. Luckily their flight was delayed so they answer my call and confirm the payment. I wish they could more helpful to the customer.

  • Chillizz



    Price quality it's good for the location. Don't expect a 5 star hotel, it's also not what you're used to in developed countries. It's not wheelchair friendly, doesn't have an elevator, but!!! The staff is amazing! Really friendly. The place has what you need. I stayed in the dorm, because I wanted to meet travelers, but it's more having a private bedroom. Beds are comfortable, nightstands, lockers, balcony in front and small in back and it has a nice place up front. The main street is loud, but it's way up better than in the center of the city. Here it sounds further away. And would be way much better with more people.

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