The Buddha Garden Hotel i Kathmandu

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NepalThe Buddha Garden Hotel



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290, Amrit Marg, 44600, Kathmandu, Bagmati, NP Nepal
kontakter telefon: +977 1-5903490
internet side:
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Latitude: 27.7117581, Longitude: 85.3120834

kommentar 5

  • James Barber

    James Barber


    Disgusting small, damp, dirty, smelly rooms, bathroom covered in mold. Staff were ok, location is good.

  • Malte Ahlers

    Malte Ahlers


    Sadly our experience was not good. In the bathromms was a lot of mold on the walls, it smelled very bad also in the sleeping room. And There were some cockroaches at the bathroom. Last but not least, the towels which we got were dirty. When we complained we got a new one, but this was also dirty. The hotel stuff said they don´t have clean ones. Never again in this hotel !

  • shubhi suri

    shubhi suri


    Buddha Garden Buddha Garden, was one of the fancy restaurant in Thamel area. We tried Nepali Thali here, which I didn't find much to my taste. But, the restaurant was cool. It seemed rich people from Nepal must be there attendants. The thing worth noticing here, was one Buddha Statue that they had within the Garden and the fact that they sell cigarettes as well.

  • Subash Adhikari

    Subash Adhikari


    Neat room.location is perfect it is in heart of Kathmandu thamel. You can have a brisk walk of 5 minutes you can be at durbargmarg, or you can roam around thamel and came back to hotel. Breakfast was very goood, rooms are cheap yet on the par. Totally satisfied, just one thing one of waiter was below 15 years

  • Henrique Lopes

    Henrique Lopes


    Nothing fancy, but very comfortable hotel with great service. Perfect for Kathmandu.

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